WordPress tutorials, how to’s and learning resources

Not sure where to start learning how to change the WordPress themes to change the look&feel of your site? Or maybe you are into a bit of coding to add customizations to the WordPress dashboard to make content editing a bit easier or looking to create your first plugin? If you’re planning to extend WordPress with your own stuff (themes, plugins or widgets) there are plenty of learning resources besides the WordPress codex.

WordPress tutorials, how to’s and learning resources

  • http://wpengineer.com shows you how to do things in WordPress – using plugins, hidden WordPress features or coding yourself. It’s a bit more technical than the rest, so if you’re looking into coding, it should definitively be on the bookmarking list.
  • http://www.wpbeginner.com well written how to’s, beginner guides and tutorials on how to get started with WordPress
  • http://wphacks.com is on the must read list because of the impressive list of articles about themes, plugins, reviews and including best practices about content and SEO.
  • http://wpguerrilla.com -each article is a collection of resources on every WordPress related topic you could imagine.
  • http://wparena.com has plenty of articles on how to do various things with WordPress without getting into coding.
  • http://wpaddict.net it’s a well thought collection of video tutorials, plugin reviews and interviews with people from the WordPress industry.
  • http://www.wprecipes.com – it’s an interesting site with a collection of articles on how to perform changes on the regular WordPress functions. Although the articles come with coding examples, they aren’t very detailed.
  • http://wpveda.com it’s a site with a bit of everything from the WordPress world: announcements, plugin reviews, themes.
  • http://wpshout.com is a blog with quick and not necessarily very technical tips on how to extend WordPress.
  • http://www.wptavern.com has a nice collection of Weekly news, interviews and reviews on everything that is WordPress related.
  • http://www.wpquestions.com is a Q&A site with paid answers. Probably could be used as a last resort when not finding a solution on the other sites.
  • http://www.werewp.com hosts the occasional writings about WordPress of Jeremy Herve, aka jeherve, a community manager living in Hungary.
  • http://www.webtechwise.com is a site that talks about plugins and how to’s in WordPress with some addon generic Web Development information

WordPress e-books and video tutorials

  • Digging Into WordPress – If you never coded a single page in WordPress but would like to know how to create your first plugin, a theme or customize the WordPress dashboard, then Digging Into WordPress will help you understand the basics of extending WordPress
  • http://www.lynda.com has an excellent collection of videos that explain the basics of hooks, actions and filters and how to write functions for a Plugin or theme to implement all the custom features you need.

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